Assignment #8

Power is what people have to control others to do their bidding. Marginalize is when something or someone is put to the side or to make less important. Exploit or Exploiting is when you used something or someone one for your bidding and used in an unfair way. People with power can marginalize and exploit people with different identities by forcing people into slavery, spreading hateful messages about people with different gender identities, and sacrificing people that don’t agree with it.


In the first place, people can marginalize and exploit other people with different identities because they take advantage of they people they marginalize by treating them disrespectfully, forcing people work, and using them for profit for them and not for the people that they are marginalizing. In document 3, it shows that the Natives are being treated disrespectfully. The document was from a quote from a book titled, “Colonial America”, and was written by Jerome R. Reich (1994). The document states,”….In practice they were bought and sold, worked (literally) to death and forced into virtual slavery. This reveals that people killed and used native people to their advantage for themselves (Like Slavery), which is called exploiting, and they were treated inhumanely, which is also called marginalization.


In addition, people with power are able to marginalize people with different identities by spreading hateful messages to people with different gender identities. A document that I read was about a pastor in Harlem is making hateful and controversial remarks about Homosexuals and people with different gender identity. The document is a quote from an article on a website called, and the article is titled “Homophobic church sign causes stir in harlem” and it was written by Cyril Josh Barker on May 3rd, 2014. A quote from the news article states,” The messages posted on the sign at the church, located at west 123rd Street and Malcolm X Boulevard, don’t hold back on manning’s massages that homosexuality is against God’s wishes and the Bible. Messages include: “Obama has released the homo demons on the Black man. Look out, Black women. A white homo may take your man,” and “Jesus would stone homos …Harlem is a homo-free zone.”  This quote shows that people with power can marginalize and exploit people with different identities because this is a church and they are exploiting their power to slander Homosexual people and slandering and treating them inhumanly is called marginalizing.


Lastly, people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities by using them and sacrificing them for their own purposes. The last document I read was about the Aztec Tribe and how they treated a guy like a king but at the end they killed him just for their god. The document was created by A seventeen year old Aztec Scribe records his impressions of a Sacrifice Ritual which is recorded and told to Friar Bernardino de Sahagun (Several years later in 1529). A quote from the document states,”When I saw this ceremony last year as a member of the priestly school, I was amazed by the physical beauty of the enemy warrior was killed at the end of the festival. This seasoned warrior, whom we change from a human into the god Tezcatlipoca, can have no blemish upon his body, and he is treated like our most royal family member during the long year leading up to his sacrifice.” To  explain, they captured an enemy warrior and treated him like he is a god, they gave him anything they wanted, but it was all leading up to a sacrifice. And he is an enemy warrior so he is different from the Aztecs and they killed him.


2 thoughts on “Assignment #8”

  1. Nice work, Matthew. One important note… Try to elaborate on your analysis in order to make your claim clearer. For example – Why is treating someone inhumanely an example of marginalization? Explaining this type of thing instead of just saying it helps to make your point.

  2. Hi my name is Jada Martin. I think you did very good on your essay. However I think next time you should introduce the supporting paragraphs more in the Introduction. Other than that I looked to see if your Analysis matched your evidence and if you capitalized all the names of months and people. You did it all pretty much correctly so great job!

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